Monday, February 6, 2012

Preschool is just around the corner

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It's finally Pre-school time. My baby boy will be 4 in April and he is already asking about pre-school. He is just so excited about it all. I didn't realize how fast the time would come. So, my husband and I have been on the search for preschools in our area. I now realize that our babies do grow up and we as parents have to let go. I do realize that preschool is important for kids to attend for several reasons. One, at preschool they become exposed to numbers, letters and shapes. But, most important, they learn how to socialize , get along with other children and of course learn to share. We know he's ready because we've taught him the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes and words. He also has his younger sister and they get along together really well. Last month, he told me I was his "best friend" I responded with ah, you'll find more best friends in preschool. I know he'll be fine, but most importantly, we want him to just enjoy himself, and make new friends. Life is short and you have to enjoy it while you can.

1 comment:

  1. My baby boy just started preschool last week, so of course I had to blog about it. lol. I'm following for Wine Down Wednesday, hopefully you can follow back.
