Tuesday, April 23, 2013


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Wine Down Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to the "Wine Down Wednesday" blog hop. I'm so proud to announce the 18th Wine Down Wednesday blog hop! It's been exciting for me with all the new friends I've made and the new followers I've gained. Wine Down Wednesday is a great way to relax, meet new people and expand your knowledge by learning interesting new things. Joining in will most definitely also increase your blog followers! So, if you're a wine drinker, grab yourself a nice glass of wine, relax and have some fun!

Wine Down Wednesday is now open all week and will start new every Wednesday.

If you'd like to be a part of Wine Down Wednesday be sure to follow these few simple steps.
1. Grab our Wine Down Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog. 
Just highlight the Grab My Button code then right click to copy and paste on your blog.
2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky.
3. Visit the many blogs as you like and follow them. Please be sure to tell them you are from the "Wine Down Wednesday" blog hop. 
4. Follow back any followers you've gained from this event. 
5. Have Fun and Happy Hopping! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, stopping by from the Blog Hop! Just wanted to let you know I am now following you via GFC! I hope you'll get the chance to visit me :o) You can find me here:

    Blog url
